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How can I make a song based on AI generated lyrics?

Hey everyone. This one is interesting. I prompted ChatGPT to write a song that went “Verse Chorus Verse Chorus Bridge Chorus” and then took it and edited my own words in throughout it because it wasn’t fantastic. Let’s give the track a go then discuss it.

Listen here:

With ChatGPT you don’t have the ability to make it write you a song. However, you do have the ability to make it write you a set of lyrics. Honestly, most of the lyrics are actually better than a lot of current top 40 lyrics even with a poor prompt. It can’t, however, form the lyrics to fit the melodies you have in mind exactly as you hear and think of them. That’s where the human factor comes in.

With basic reading and writing skills, and hopefully a little imagination, you can edit what ChatGPT spits out and make it into a believable set of lyrics that would fit any modern day pop song, again, depending on the prompt you give it. I ended up editing a very large portion of the lyrics, however, I used the initial aspect as a skeleton for this song. Here is what it originally came up with:

AI lyrics:

With hope in heart I’ll make a start To chase my dreams And live my schemes

I’ll chase the sun Till day is done I’ll chase my dreams And see them come

With fire in soul I’ll take control To chase my fate And pave my way

I’ll chase the sun Till day is done I’ll chase my dreams And see them come

I’ll chase my dreams, whatever the cost With every step, I’ll never get lost

I’ll chase the sun Till day is done I’ll chase my dreams And see them come

Now, from those, I wrote this below.

My edited lyrics:


I’ve got the hope in my heart
I’ll make the best of my start
To give a chase to my dreams
To hit a billion streams

I’ll find a way to break through
I’ll make sure that I stay true
And I’m startin’ today


I’ll chase the sun til day is done
I’ll chase my dreams and see them come
To life like me when I see you
When I see you


I won’t let fear hold me back
I’ll fix whatever I lack
I’ll make my mark, make my name
And leave a legacy of fame

The fire deep in my soul
It burns as I take control
I’ll never stop I’ll carry on


I’ll chase the sun til day is done
I’ll chase my dreams and see them come
To life like me when I see you
When I see you


I’ll chase the sun til day is done
I’ll chase my dreams and see them come
To life like me when I see you
When I see you


I’ll chase my dreams, and make them mine
I’ll chase the sun, and make it shine
I’ll chase my heart, and make it sing
I’ll chase my dreams, and make them everything

I’ll chase the stars and reach for the sky
I’ll make my own luck, and let the world know why
I’ll make my own mark, and make it shine
I’ll chase my dreams and make them forever mine

The music I made was actually just something I wrote a few nights ago when I thought to myself, “I should make a synth song with a lot of “unce unce” and then produced the music you hear.

The vocal melody was something I improvised on the spot then edited heavily with flex pitch so it would have that poppy sound.

Parting thoughts

The AI that we have today is capable of writing music and lyrics and endless other things. The difference between a strictly AI piece and a human made or human/AI collaboration is difficult to tell. We are rapidly approaching a time where, hopefully, we will be able to pursue music and all aspects of life from a point of enjoyment and personal growth rather than as a meal ticket/product to monetize.

We have some pretty amazing things we’re living through right now that have the potential to change our whole world for the better in almost all ways. We just have to allow it to and to try our best to help each other in every way we can. Show a little kindness to each other.

If you enjoy what I’m doing and what I’ve done and you’d like to learn more, check out my services and contact me or send me an email to book your own lesson(s) and move yourself toward your musical goals. AI is very powerful in assisting us with many aspects of life, however, it still doesn’t compare to human contact… yet…

Thank you for your time and, as always, be kind to yourself and others and enjoy the journey.

All the best,

– Matt

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